Amsterdam & Düsseldorf

Devo confessar que ando bem preguiçosa em escrever sobre as viagens que tenho feito com L. Ele escreve e eu “passo”. Mas ele tem me cobrado. Então, vamos lá… Em janeiro nos encontramos em Amsterdã e em seguida fomos a Düsseldorf. Foram cinco dias de um belo interlúdio. Visitamos o H’ART Amsterdam (antigo Hermitage Amsterdam)…

XXX & B-lin

After meeting in London, late last year, we now decided to spend time visiting Amsterdam and Berlin. Dri has always preferred wearing dresses while I have this thing about her dressing sexy and slutty. Together we decided on a compromise that made us both happy. Dri was to bring and wear only dresses during our…

Sweat Memories

Dri and I have had some really nice visits to Amsterdam over the years. I was looking at some old photos the other day and stumbled on some from a sunny summer day a couple of years ago and thought I might share them with you. On that occasion, we had rented a very nice…

Two Become One!

Meeting in XXX in the middle of a lockdown wasn’t our plan for sure. The idea was to have fun enjoying ourselves together with other open-minded swingers at SamePlace. We however managed to arrive in Amsterdam the same day as stricter Corona restrictions came in force which meant no nightlife or possibility to have fun…


Quando há um ano voltei de Estocolmo, como em todas as voltas de viagens, pensei: “de volta à vida real, de volta à vida normal”. E foi mesmo. Mas apenas por alguns dias. De repente a pandemia e o pandemônio tomou conta de nossas vidas. E no final, nunca escrevi sobre aqueles dias em Amsterdam…