L Mundo

London, October 2022

by L

We met in London, a city we love. This time we managed to rent a room in an apartment where an NHS nurse lived. She was really nice, although we probably made it difficult to sleep in the room next to us. The apartment was in Leicester Square, so perfect! We really enjoyed the lively area not to mention having sex with each other for hours.

Dri has wanted a Kristina piercing for several years now and we’ve done it at The Circle London. We went there together and we can really recommend the studio: clean, nice and professional. We were both so proud after it was done.

By Dri

Londres é aquele lugar onde sempre me senti em casa, mesmo não sendo mais a minha cidade preferida. Fazia uma eternidade que eu e L não íamos juntos até la.

Acho que L disse tudo o que era necessário. Só acrescentaria ao navio de Sir Francis Drake e o musical Tina, contando a vida da cantora.

BTW, Kristina manda lembranças!


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